Approximate walking time : 1 hour

Approximate distance : 4 miles

You’ll love it if : The dogs need a good run around on the beach.

Good to know : There are no amenities here so make sure you’re watered and fed prior.

From Padstow Harbour, follow the coast NE until St George’s Well. Here you can take the steps or sloped path (a little further round) down to the cove below. Walk along the sand towards the mouth of the estuary as it bends round to NW, this is Harbour Cove. Spend some time gazing across the water towards open sea, the small settlement opposite is Hawkers Cove, and let the puppies run free as this is a dog-friendly beach all year round.

At the far end of the beach, take one of the trodden paths across the grassy sand dune to find yourself back on the coast path, follow this E. To make it a more circular walk; just before you arrive at the St Saviour’s Point war memorial, you’ll see a small path on your right in between fields. This will take you up and over the top of Padstow with spectacular views of the estuary, follow it west until you come to a country lane with a pig pen at the corner.

Turning left, you’ll come to Prideaux Palace. Take the next left again (Fentonluna Lane) and this road leads you all the way into Padstow centre via Duke Street where you can finish with a cocktail made from the barley you pass by in summer along the route you’ve just walked.

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St george’s well
